Hyatt Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi Hyatt Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi

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Hyatt Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi

Perhaps the most impressive thing about this restaurant, apart from the magnificent view you get across Abu Dhabi, is the fact that everything had to be brought up from the ground floor in an interior lift to the 18th floor.

Not only that, with the hotel leaning a record 18°, and the non-rectangular shape of the restaurant, a lot of the restaurant furniture had to be tailor-made inside the hotel.

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The first component to be constructed was the glass shell structure, comprising thousands of unique panels of glass – there was no option to crane big, heavy items into the restaurants, as would usually be the case.

The dangling lights in the restaurant enhance its chic, modern design, and the Italian furniture adds to its suave European influence.

Three show kitchens with interactive counters add to the theatrical mise en scene of the restaurant, and the Molteni stove is rare and one of the main eye-catching attractions.

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