Simone Caporale says Dubai's international community brings its own tastes and flavours to the sector. Simone Caporale says Dubai's international community brings its own tastes and flavours to the sector.

Simone Caporale, head mixologist, Artesian Bar, Langham Hotel London, explains the importance of sharing and the need for an unexpected show

What is the standard of Dubai’s F&B sector?
I see a huge potential for this sector due to the number of prestigious establishments, bars clubs and restaurants that are currently in existence.

What are the challenges specific to Dubai bartenders?
The amount and flow of information for this profession is smaller and slower due to the size of the bartending community.

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But Dubai has something very important and precious, and that is the international community that makes up the sector. Anyone can bring their own tastes and flavours, which can create a wonderful cocktail. That is why I believe in the exchange of ideas as hospitality is synonymous with teamwork.

What beverage trends are going to sweep the world in 2013?
Of course each part of the world has its own drinking culture, but I see a big explosion in drinks which transmit a message of fun as well as an unexpected show. These drinks will be more than just ways of relaxing, they will be delivering a message.

What are your favourite three drinks?
Water keeps us alive, slim and beautiful, but I didn’t invent that one. The second is Disaronno&C. I make it with Disaronno, Calpis, lime, liquorice, aromatic bitters, plus rose bud.

It makes for a refreshing and playful drink, perfect when you are clubbing on Dubai’s beaches. The third is called Five Points which boasts Irish whiskey, Italian vermouth, mandarin aromatic bitters and Irish stout extract; it is inspired by a man who loves to sip his whiskey.

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