Rotana Hotels area vice president - Dubai and Northern Emirates, Thomas Tapken hands over the cheque to a Dubai Cares representative. Rotana Hotels area vice president - Dubai and Northern Emirates, Thomas Tapken hands over the cheque to a Dubai Cares representative.

Rotana hotels in Dubai have raised AED 175,000 (US $47,000) for Dubai Cares through the hotel group’s ‘Together we can do more’ campaign.

The funds were raised by adding AED 5 to every guest’s room bill and matching every donation with AED 5 for bookings across all 15 Rotana hotels in Dubai.

The amount will be donated to support Dubai Cares efforts to provide primary education to children in developing countries.

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Commenting on the initiative, Rotana area vice president – Dubai and northern emirates, Thomas Tapken said: “We strongly believe in supporting organisations that are committed to breaking the cycle of poverty through education. From this initiative with Dubai Cares, we hope we will make a difference in the lives of children in the developing world. Dubai Cares is conducting admirable work and we thank them for inspiring us to contribute towards their efforts. Rotana and its employees firmly believe in giving back to society and supporting such charity initiatives on an on-going basis.”

“Our aim is to strengthen our commitment towards a positive contribution to the communities and environment, and provide support to achieve our CSR objectives, as part of ‘Rotana Earth’ program,” added Tapken.

Dubai Cares chief executive officer Tariq Al Gurg said: “Education is a critical factor in every child’s development, yet millions of children around the world, particularly in developing countries, do not have access to quality primary education. The tangible results of providing children with an education are numerous, most of which lie in the potential of transforming future generations. With the support of organizations such as Rotana, we are continuously committed to deliver integrated evidence-based primary education programs that create long-lasting impact in the lives of underprivileged children globally.”