Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort by Anantara is now certified by Green Globe. Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort by Anantara is now certified by Green Globe.

Abu Dhabi’s Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort by Anantara has received its Green Globe certification following a sustainability study by Farnek Consulting, GCC’s partner in the Middle East.

As part of its efforts to receive the certification, the 206-room property, located in the Liwa desert had reduced electricity costs by 22% and propane (LPG) by 37%.

The hotel had also created a waste segregation and recycling room to raise awareness among staff, and now recycles 13% of its overall garbage, including plastic, glass, paper, cardboard and cooking oil. The hotel also has an onsite sewage treatment plant, which has reduced its water consumption by reusing grey water to irrigate hotel grounds.

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Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort by Anantara’s general manager Wael Soudeid said: “Sustainability is not a fad or a project, it has to become integral to the operational procedure. We are a desert resort and whenever I look out of my hotel window, I am given a reminder of just how precious our water resources are. So naturally we are all acutely aware of our local environment and we have to accept responsibility for our own carbon footprint.”
“Not only must we reduce our water and energy consumption, we plan and coordinate deliveries from our suppliers to minimise fuel pollution and we manage our own waste without compromising on guest comfort, or service,” he added.

Farnek Consulting division manager Sandrine Le Biavant commented: “In addition to its sustainable operation, the Qasr Al Sarab also incorporates a ‘green’ design, which blends in seamlessly with the desert landscape,. Even during construction, the developers had the foresight to minimise the carbon emissions from concrete by using geo-textile sandbags to build 5.5 km of retaining walls.