Fish stock in the Middle East has depleted. Fish stock in the Middle East has depleted.

6. Healthy Eating

“Brain food”, “protein rich, yet low in calories”, “rich in omega-3” … the list goes on!

The bottom line is that seafood is a marketer’s dream because it is as good for you as it is tasty. As consumers become increasingly more health-conscious, seafood is also growing in popularity.

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Seafood is jam-packed with all the nutrients and vitamins required for a healthy diet, and its high protein levels make it perfect for dieters. It is also rich in omega-3, a fatty acid that the human body is unable to produce on its own. Omega-3 has earned seafood the “brain food” label because it is linked to improvements in concentration in children and a reduction in dementia and memory problems in later life.

“Thanks to the health benefits, people feel better ordering fish,” explains Sho Cho’s Kosta. “It doesn’t matter if they are eating sushi or other seafood cuisine, it is always the case that fish is healthier on the heart, good for the brain and so on.

“In Flooka, our Lebanese seafood restaurant, we have noticed our customers are now leaning towards grilled fish dishes, rather the fried. People are just eating healthier and are taking care of themselves — and eating fish and sushi falls naturally into that trend.”

F&B operators across the region are responding to the demand for healthier cooking styles — and chefs are listening to the preferences of their customers.

“Some diners prefer less butter, some prefer it to be steamed, whilst others want it cooked only in olive oil,” says Pierchic chef de cuisine Rosalind Parsk.

She continues: “People are a lot more health-conscious these days and deeply care about what they are eating. We listen to all requests and accommodate all diners’ needs — if they do require a more healthier alternative, then we are happy to help.”