The hotel produces its own compost that it can use or sell. The hotel produces its own compost that it can use or sell.

Guest Strategy
Educating new and existing guests has also been an important part of the hotel’s strategy to switch over to green practices.

“Most of our guests are long stay and educating them was very difficult, so I had dedicated staff in the reception area training them and informing them of our practices along with a representative from Green Good, who also explained to them how the guests can contribute.”

As a result, the changes haven’t gone unnoticed by travellers. “The reception has been tremendous, the guests are very happy,” exclaims Hamdani.

Story continues below

“We have a dedicated guest relations person who shows guests our green initiatives, and we are now getting bookings as a green hotel,” he concludes.

Stat attack
- 388 Rooms at the hotel
- 3 Towers in the complex
- 280 Staff employed by the hotel
- 430m2 Size of the urban farm
- 105,000 Room nights in 2012
- AED 265,000 Cost of compost machine
- AED 65,000 Cost of converting the hotel’s ‘green room’