Hyatt's Dubai director of procurement Owais Rehman. Hyatt's Dubai director of procurement Owais Rehman.

How long have you been in hotel purchasing?
I have been in the hotel purchasing industry for the last 15 years. I started my career with Hyatt Regency Dubai as a cost controller in 1994. I moved to the purchasing department as materials manager in 1997.

What products are you on the lookout for?
We mainly focus on products related to F&B, room linen, amenities, housekeeping, engineering consumables and services.

What area of your hotel are you most proud of?
Hyatt Hotels’ corporate governance encourages a long term buyer and supplier partnership based on mutual interest, respect and total commitment to transparency in dealings. We are the first hotel cluster to have introduced a real time centralised purchasing operation whereby each and every purchasing decision pertaining to the three Hyatt Hotels in Dubai is made at one point. We are also the first hotel cluster to have introduced zero value general stores and one order, one delivery, and one invoice policy.

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Tell us about one of your most successful deals?
We have made several successful deals, where we reached a win-win situation with satisfying results, one of which pertains to the newly remodelled Crystal Ballroom at Hyatt Regency Dubai. We successfully carried out this project, which involved complete remodelling of the ballroom. We managed to do this through well researched sourcing, transactions and purchases all delivered within scope of our project budget.

How is procurement evolving in hospitality?
Dubai fluctuates between a buyers-sellers’ market. As competition grows, it is the suppliers that are reliable, flexible and price reasonably that succeed. Going forward, the synergies of consolidation and the growing importance of excellence in trading practices will gain momentum, and in order to remain competitive companies will have to turn their attention to hiring as well as retaining skilled and proven purchasing managers.

What does a supplier have to do to impress you?
When a supplier remains consistent in providing mutually agreed quality and service, he/she is bound to succeed.