Helen Merchant, owner, International Spa Consultancy speaking at the Hotelier Middle East Spa & Wellness Forum. Helen Merchant, owner, International Spa Consultancy speaking at the Hotelier Middle East Spa & Wellness Forum.

The Hotelier Middle East’s Spa and Wellness forum was host to a special workshop from Helen Merchant, owner of International Spa Consultancy, who shared her expert advice on boosting income at spas.

Here are some of her key tips:

1. Create packages.

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Make sure these are good value for money but don’t include full facials as these are the most expensive treatments. Instead, offer a mini-facial and upsell for a full facial. A profitable package might include a massage with three hours of pool, Jacuzzi and beach use. Always make sure to try to upsell to customers who have booked a package.

Click below to find out the next top tip.