SVP, regional director, Starwood Hotels & Resorts ME, Guido de Wilde. SVP, regional director, Starwood Hotels & Resorts ME, Guido de Wilde.

While expanding into tertiary markets provides its own challenges, Starwood’s “next big bet” is digital innovation, which is not to say the company hasn’t already invested heavily in the sector.

Starwood lauds itself on being the first in the industry to launch unedited ratings and reviews, and the first to build an iPad App on Apple’s new iOS7 — all within the last 12 months.

In June 2013, 42% of Starwood’s site visits were through mobile and by 2015, the company expects interaction with guests via mobile to surpass that via desktop.

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“There are now more bookings through our digital channels than through any other non-property direct channel,” says de Wilde.

Looking ahead, Starwood is focused on leveraging technology on-property — mobile and emerging tech will impact virtually every aspect of business, from guest experience to the way hotels are operated, and internal communication.

This will allow the company to attract the ‘mega traveller’.

“Mega travellers spend 50-100 days a year in hotels and their spending has tripled in the last five years and is set to increase,” explains de Wilde.”

This combination of strong market dynamics and innovation has put Starwood in a phenomenal position for continued growth.