The winners of the Caterer Middle East Awards 2014. The winners of the Caterer Middle East Awards 2014.

A new category has been announced as part of this year’s Caterer Middle East Awards, which will be held on Wednesday, June 11, 2014 at The Ritz-Carlton, DIFC.

The Restaurateur of the Year award was introduced as part of Caterer’s mission to recognise the efforts of those individuals in the F&B industry who show innovation with creating brands, and have launched them successfully in the Middle East.

Not only is Caterer Middle East acknowledging the trend of independent restaurateurs, it is also tipping its hat to the effort of hotels which treat venues within their properties as separate entities. The award is therefore open to candidates who work on independent brands, franchises, as well as restaurants located in hotels.

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They must be able to showcase skills in combining style and innovation with a good business sense. They must also be setting standards to which others can aspire.

“We have noticed a definitive increase in the number of restaurants that are well thought out, and ideas aiming to fill a gap in the market. We also recognise the skill and acumen behind these decisions. There are brands in the market run by people who not only realise when the iron is hot, but also know when to strike and expand in the market,” said Caterer editor Devina Divecha.

“People who qualify to enter range from the likes of chefs-restaurateurs like Gary Rhodes, to Kuwaiti entrepreneur Ahmed Khalid Al Bader who has four brands under his belt in Kuwait, to people like Hilton’s Simon Lazarus, who is a restaurateur within a hotel group.”

Candidates need to prove they are worthy by showcasing excellence in their work, how they have succeeded as a leader and mentor, how their work has led to the promotion of the regional F&B industry, and whether they have contributed to wider industry issues.

The nomination should include data pertaining to March 2013-March 2014, and the restaurateur has to have at least two brands/outlets in the region.

“This is part of the ‘people’ awards,” said Divecha. “The restaurant market in the region has become extremely competitive. But it’s the restaurateur who is behind the scenes, ensuring its longevity and success. I expect this category to have some of the finest entries we can hope for.”

The criteria for the Restaurateur of the Year award is as follows: Entry has to demonstrate how the nominee has exploited a gap in the market, and shown innovation in creating the concept.

Entry should provide examples of him/her being an inspiring leader who communicates his/her vision to employees.
Commercial viability is important, and the candidate should detail how s/he is generating profits, while delivering a consistently good quality of food and service in the outlets.

Think you have a shot at winning and going down in the annals of Caterer history? Enter here today.

April 17 is the final deadline for all 2014 entries and the winner will be announced on June 11 2014 at a star-studded ceremony.