Solidarity Accor managing director Christine de Longevialle. Solidarity Accor managing director Christine de Longevialle.

Accor has transformed its corporate foundation into an endowment fund called Solidarity Accor.

The flexible structure of the fund will allow the hotel operator to collect donations from as many stakeholders as possible, including franchisee partners, guests, and the group’s employees. Accor also aims to increase the number of projects it supports as well as provide quick assistance in emergency situations.

Solidarity Accor managing director Christine de Longevialle explained: “Over the last five years, our commitment to helping others has allowed us to support many projects thanks to the involvement of our employees. Today, this new structure allows us to go even further with our solidarity initiatives and diversify our funding sources. Our objective remains the same: linking cultures and providing support for the development of individuals and their integration into their community.”

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The fund’s board of directors have voted to support six non-profits, including Acta Vista’s reinsertion programme in France, which trains ‘professionally excluded’ people to obtain a diploma and become qualified masons specialised in historic buildings.

In Thailand, Solidarity Accor supports Institut Europeen de Cooperation et de Development to provide hospitality training to young Karen people, a minority ethnic group in North West Thailand.

In Romania, Solidarity Accor supports the training and insertion programme for young people as implemented by the Parada Foundation, which helps homeless families by providing social care, education, training, and professional integration schemes.

Solidarity Accor will also support Ivoire Development Durable in the Ivory Coast by funding a new project that supports farming groups of 60 disadvantaged women to help them become self-sufficient.

In Burma, Solidarity Accor supports a professional training programme for 80 young women from the cities and slums of Yangon in collaboration with FXB International. They will receive training in weaving, sewing, and interior decorating and will also learn how to sell the products they make.