Dubai has been named the best city in the world for hotels and shopping by Tripadvisor users, although it has been ranked among the worst for culture.

The travel website’s second annual Cities Survey is based on more than 54,000 responses from those who have recently written TripAdvisor reviews for featured cities around the world.

Tokyo was ranked number one for the overall experience, also earning top spots for helpfulness of locals, taxi service, local public transportation, and cleanliness of streets.

The survey was sent to those who have written a review on either a hotel, restaurant or attraction in the featured cities during 2013. To be included in the results, a city was required to have a minimum of 300 completed responses, with the ranking based on average scores for each question.

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In the ‘best for shopping’ category, Dubai came ahead of New York and London, while it came ahead of Cancun and Bangkok in the ‘best for hotels’ category.

However, the city came third last in the ‘best for culture’ category, with only Sharm el Sheikh and Punta Cana rated worse.