Felix Hartmann plans to revive the group. Felix Hartmann plans to revive the group.

The United Arab Emirates Beverage Society (UAEBS), an idea initially floated in 2011 and then put on hold, is looking to get off the ground again.

One of the co-founders on the project is Felix Hartmann, the F&B manager at Media One Hotel. He revealed to Caterer: “The idea is to promote bartending as a profession, connect bartenders, create a bridge between them and potential employers, and get the brands to communicate directly to the community.” In addition, he stressed education in the bar industry would be a major focus.

Hartmann said the aim of UAEBS is to “unite the community, not make profits”, adding that he is looking for beverage companies interested in sponsoring the initiative.

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When asked why now was the right time to revive UAEBS, Hartmann said: “The situation has changed: the overall market gained momentum with Expo 2020, and the number of hotels, high-end restaurants and bars either being open, built as we speak, or just announced. UAEBS will be similar to the Emirates Culinary Guild but focused on beverages.”

Hartmann said it will also raise awareness on the health benefits of different categories of beverages (green tea, coffee, coconut water) and help educate end consumers on the dangers of abusing alcohol.

He admitted one of the struggles they faced was to obtain a non-profit registration from the authorities due to the sensitivity of the topic.