Hyatt Place Dubai / Al Rigga general manager Vishal Mehra believes there are no limits to what one can achieve. Hyatt Place Dubai / Al Rigga general manager Vishal Mehra believes there are no limits to what one can achieve.

After many highs and lows, new Hyatt Place Dubai GM Vishal Mehra is excited about leading a fresh team

What initially inspired you to get into the hospitality industry?

As a child, I used to get very excited about going out to dine in hotels. I used to love the glitz and the glamour of it and I guess that’s when the hotel bug bit me. I later went on to study at a hotel school and followed this up by working at some very fine hotels.

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How has your previous work experience inspired your management philosophy?

I believe in the philosophy that ‘change is constant’. My management style has continuously evolved over the years based on the different profiles of hotels I have worked at and the guests and colleagues that I have been associated with.

Have you experienced any major moments that have shaped your career to date?

My journey over the years has made me witness some of the highs and lows of the industry. For example, the 9/11 attacks, the financial crisis, and not to forget the boom time before the financial crisis. These events taught me how to balance myself and has made me learn that if there is a low, it will usually be followed by a high.

Where has been your favourite place to work so far, and how does it compare to your current position?

I have enjoyed each and every experience, and role I have worked in. As long as we have a great work culture and we don’t miss out on an opportunity to have fun, life is good. My current position gives me the opportunity to build this culture.

Hyatt has also been a great company to work with as we are like a family and a team unit, constantly sharing experiences with colleagues from the region and around the world in order to better ourselves and pass on our knowledge.

How does working in your current position differ from any of the other hotels where you’ve worked?

The buck stops at me! What I mean is that I have successfully launched hotels in senior positions over the last few years in the UAE and abroad, but this is my first experience as a general manager and it is a brand new and fantastic concept to be part of in the region. I am looking forward to using my skills and experience to help the Hyatt Place brand grow and become established in Dubai and beyond.

What aspect of your new position are you most excited about?

The team at Hyatt Place is key to the enjoyment of our guests and due to the nature of our concept, where staff are multi-skilled and carry out more than just one set job, it is vital that they are dynamic and flexible. We have assembled a team that is young and hungry for success and this fits the bill perfectly. I believe that opening a hotel is like giving birth to a baby. Being the general manager, I’m like the father figure, and it’s now time to invest in the development of the child.

What new initiatives or programmes are you planning to introduce as part of your new position?

We believe in our tagline “welcome to a different place”. Hyatt Place aims to provide an uncomplicated service style at a very affordable price to customers. Over time we will build long-term relationships with our guests.

My goals

1. My retirement plan is to settle down away from the hustle and bustle and establish something small and refreshing for nature lovers; and invest the gains into the environment we live in.
2. These are exciting times for our industry and I am here to stay, and contribute to the growth of tourism. New brands like Hyatt Place are being born and innovation will be our key to success.
3. With my experience I can inspire the ‘next generation’ to be successful professionals. Human talent needs to be nurtured and guided, and I like the challenge of being a ‘role model’ for many.
4. I want to continue contributing to our environment. I’m part of the Hyatt family with whom I share my personal beliefs and values in conservation, recycling and sustainable development.
5. My wife and I have a 21-month-old daughter. I want to make sure she gets the best out of life and that I’m always there for her, despite my hectic life as a hotelier.