James Reeves James Reeves

TIP 2:

Work for a great hotel or hotel company, do not think about the money at the beginning. Work for free if you can during your holidays in iconic restaurants, kitchens or hotels in rank and file positions so that you can learn from the best and see what makes them great. You will be recognised for your effort, eagerness, dedication, learning ability and integrity. Always have integrity and always be tenacious.

It is a great hotel or group that will teach you most of what you need to know to become a great leader, the rest you will have to teach yourself through books, documents and online. The leaders at these hotels will tell you when you are not performing and tell you what you need to do to improve. Seek training, seek information, ask lots of questions and learn what it is that has made the hoteliers you respect successful.

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The only time you should consider leaving is when you stop learning or have out grown your position and there is no space above you.

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