Stefan Beer, executive chef, InterContinental Dubai Marina. Stefan Beer, executive chef, InterContinental Dubai Marina.

Stefan Beer, executive chef, InterContinental Dubai Marina

Inform yourself and be curious: Go out as much as you can, read books and magazines, watch TV shows, and go to food markets. Inform yourself, but also question the type of food you grew up with and be inquisitive. Most importantly, understand the basics, appreciate the classic dishes before breaking the rules and getting creative.

Choose who you are working for: Try to look at the best kitchen in your neighbourhood first, and progressively aim to work for great chefs along with outstanding restaurants and hotels. You need strong foundations before you enter higher spheres and start working for the ‘best of the best’. Be bold, but know your limitations and don't bite off more than you can chew. And above all, be a good observer, have an open mind and ask question and never be afraid to say ‘show me’.

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Go the extra mile: Great chefs work long hours perfecting their craft, whether it is actual cooking, reading or checking out new restaurants. We never seem to stop looking, learning and observing. So for sure this is not a 9-5 job. It’s a real passion and from the minute you wake up till it is time to sleep, you are always thinking about food, what goes with what, what’s new and what do you love to cook. To get ahead you really do have to go the extra mile and for great chefs going the extra mile is the norm. You have to work extremely hard if you want to be a successful chef, and unlike cooking shows, things can get intense and no scenes will be cut.

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