Alex Stumpf, head chef, Toko Dubai Alex Stumpf, head chef, Toko Dubai

Alex Stumpf, head chef, Toko Dubai

Always stay calm: Professional kitchens are extremely high stress environments, especially during service and it takes discipline and nerves of steel to not freak out. When someone in my kitchen is nervous, it makes me nervous in their ability and performance. Even when service is at its peak, project a calm exterior; this will show that you have confidence in your abilities and will be able to finish the service.

Don't pretend you know more than you do: There is a lot of talk in the kitchen between chefs who push their egos to be better than the other and try to get ahead; don't listen to it and be confident in what you know. Keep your head down, ensure your section and mise-en-place is always ready and be consistent. Head chefs will only be impressed if you can learn the food and produce a consistent product.

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Be clean and organised: Always keep your station clean and organised, and be sure to put everything in its proper place before moving onto another task. This is the most important rule during a busy service. Keep all your products organised around your work station, and try to keep your jacket and apron as clean as possible. You can usually identify the pecking order of any kitchen by how dirty the aprons and jackets are.