Dom Robinson, executive chef, The Scene Dubai. Dom Robinson, executive chef, The Scene Dubai.

Dom Robinson, executive chef, The Scene Dubai

If you’re just starting out in the industry, do your research on the best restaurants in town and try and get a job there. Offer to work for free, even pot washing if you can to get you in the door. Turn up in person and hand over your CV (not during busy service times!).

Aim high, and be the hardest working member of the team at all times. The mind-set alone will push you to work harder. It’s all about the grafting. Service is not for the faint hearted. We work long hours, miss holidays and don’t get much sleep. Keep grafting and you’ll reach your goals.

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Bad days and good days, we all have them. Don’t let a bad service get you down; pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep going. No matter how hard it gets, never give up. Keep focused on the end result and visualise what you want. If you give up you’ll never get there.

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