Faiz Ashraf, head chef, Centro Barsha. Faiz Ashraf, head chef, Centro Barsha.

Faiz Ashraf, head chef, Centro Barsha

Choose seasonal produce: Create menus based on ingredients which are in season at the time and try to buy locally grown or produced products. Not only will you be supporting businesses and producers in your area but you will end up with a fresher product since it has generally spent less time in transit. Also, local small batch producers tend to use less preservative since their products are not designed for long-distance transportation and extended shelf time.

Keep your menu small and distinctive: Stick to a small menu with distinctive signature dishes that stand out and your customers will keep coming back for more. I prefer dishes that are fairly simple in execution and made with just a few flavourful ingredients. This will keep the cooking process simple and will not mishmash the flavours. Plus, a small menu will enable you to control your costs and increase consistency in the customers’ experience.

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Finish with a memorable dessert: Finish with a great dessert. It’s the last bite of the day and it is the one that your customers will all remember. And, when it comes to dessert, all the same menu-planning guidelines apply: start with really good ingredients and keep it simple. For the crumble this means using the best fresh fruit available, while for the fondant good-quality chocolate is essential.

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