The Middle East already has a variety of residents from the Far East living and working here but Chinese visitors are expected to rise dramatically in the next eight years, particularly to the Emirates.

IHG has released a report that shows an anticipated 300% growth (from 2013) in tourists from the massive Eastern country to the Gulf by 2023.

China is the fastest growing source of tourism in the market and Chinese guests stay longer in hotels than the average long-haul guest, which means their tourism is a coveted one. Chinese guests have a penchant for hotel restaurants, keeping your per-customer-spend high and their expensive taste makes the Middle East and its luxury shopping experiences a target for Chinese leisure travel.

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A lot has been written about the China Outbound phenomenon, but what do Chinese guests want? Why do they choose the hotels they stay in? How can you make them most comfortable and most importantly, how do you create brand loyalty amongst the myriad Chinese visitors who will be filling Middle East hotels?

With 97% of Chinese travellers going abroad go for leisure, we’ve focused on the needs of a leisure traveller.

Below are Hotelier’s 10 tips to raise your brand’s awareness with this key demographic.

Before they travel

1) Find a good Chinese translator and PR firm, or employ a translator or marketer yourself – PR firms can help you advertise and provide the same help within China that they provide in your home market. The China Business Network and China National Tourism Administration can help with this.

2) Be careful with online marketing and boost your e-commerce -- As many sites that the rest of the world commonly uses are blocked in China (Google, Facebook, Instagram), it’s helpful to know where your advertising revenue is best served if your site’s url is outside of China.

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