A recent purchasing trend is responsible procurement (also known as environmentally preferable purchasing [EPP] or sustainable procurement) — a process by which environmental, social and ethical considerations are taken into account.

Looking beyond the traditional parameters of price, quality, functionality and availability, it involves choosing products and services that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health, the environment and society when compared to competing products in the similar space.

The third presentation of the day will clearly define contract negotiations and management. Purchasing managers should enter all negotiations with clearly defined objectives — without which, the possibility to concede on price, quality or service is significantly raised.

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Understanding contract management, negotiating volume deals with suppliers — such as additional discounts beyond contracted volumes and re-evaluating supplier contracts are essential for optimising contracts for long term value. The negotiator should enter into discussions with the vendor with precise objectives that they wish to achieve for their company.

The final presentation of the day aims to demystify the difference between a good leader and a great leader. This session will reveal to the procurement professionals how to develop leadership skills by enhancing one’s communication skills and understanding how to harness the energy, enthusiasm and motivation of the people around.

The second Procurement Summit organised by Hotelier Middle East features a strong list of speakers and exhibitors. The breaks between the sessions will enable plenty opportunity for networking amongst various stakeholders.


Date: November 3, 2015 Venue: Grosvenor House, Dubai

Speaking Opportunities: Please register your interest with Louby.Maktari@itp.com

Attendance: By invitation only, and free to procurement professionals. Please register your interest with Michael.McGill@itp.com

Sponsorship opportunities: Please contact Alex.Hall@itp.com, Alex.Brown@itp.com, or Amanda.Stewart@itp.com

Website: www.hoteliermiddleeast.com/conferences/procurement/