1. UniMac specialises in on-premises laundry solutions for the hospitality sector. UniMac concentrates in laundry solutions alone, which keeps the company solely focused on the task at hand delivering consistent standards of service. The company delivers a comprehensive range of highly reliable, durable and proven products and technologies supported by a design, fulfilment and after-sales service and maintenance operation.

2. UniMac offers complete, custom-built, all-round packages. The range of products delivers unmatched durability, ruggedness and efficiency. UniMac machines have a high standard and ensures it delivers clean bed sheets, towels, crisp tablecloths and napkins.

3. Parent company Alliance Laundry Systems believes the Middle East is a significant market with ample growth opportunity. Strong relationships with local distributors have helped several hotels in the region with UniMac equipment. With investment in developing new systems that use less water and power, the products are more environmentally friendly, reliable and, cost-effective.

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