Daniel Hurtado, chef de cuisine Daniel Hurtado, chef de cuisine

What makes La Tablita special in comparison to its competitors in the market?

Daniel Hurtado: The experience takes centre stage; it is not just about coming to try Mexican food. In fact, it is the soul of authentic Mexican cuisine to have a full combination of experiences — the ambience, staff, culture and flavours — in one space. One example of what makes us special is our variety of tacos from different parts of Mexico and the fact that we share the way in which we eat a real taco with guests; an integral part of the daily food life for Mexicans.

Isaac Adam: What makes us special is our Mexican comfort food and Taco Shop, which will be unique in the market, bringing the flavours of Mexico into Dubai. We have flavours from different states, mostly street food, which is our strength. In Mexico we eat tacos any time of the day — it’s our staple food. Almost all the staff from the service and kitchen teams are from Mexico, so that brings a Mexican spirit and warmth we can deliver to our guests.

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How do the front-of-house and back-of-house support each other?

Daniel Hurtado: We are a team mainly originating from Mexico and have the same goal and enthusiasm for this opening. We are passionate and want to make the restaurant a success, so all in all this has definitely brought us closer with a feeling of being part of the same family.

Isaac Adam: Most of us used to work together back in Mexico. As we share the same culture, it is easy for us to understand and support each other — we treat each other like family members. We are proud of our culture and almost all La Tablita ingredients are imported from Mexico, so we feel like we are at home.