Paolo Bellamio, head chef at Trattoria Toscana in Madinat Jumeirah. Paolo Bellamio, head chef at Trattoria Toscana in Madinat Jumeirah.

We get the low-down on using black truffle from Paolo Bellamio, head chef at Dubai's Trattoria Toscana, and white truffle from Francesco Di Noia, Italian chef de cuisine at Dubai's Alta Badia 

What’s great about black truffle?
People love truffles! In Dubai, truffles are considered the ultimate foodie’s treat. A truffle brings about an interesting flavour and aroma to a dish and, if it is prepared properly, can be one of the best things you eat.

How readily available is it in this region?
There are several different types of truffles, including the black truffles which come to harvest in early June, the white truffles — or as we say in Italy ‘the white diamonds of Italy’ — which are available from December, and then Bianchietti, found in the late Italian spring. Being here, we have to import them but there are number of Italian food importers readily available, so we are able to get them pretty easily.

What to look out for when buying this ingredient?
Freshness, aroma, colour and the smell, of course.

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Challenges associated with using it?
A mistake with a truffle can cost you a fortune. It is an ingredient that needs to be handled with care, so it is important to know how to incorporate the ingredient into dish and, equally, how to prepare.

What’s the best way you’d use this ingredient?
A number of dishes with truffle are great, but a favourite is fresh egg pasta tagliolini with butter and truffle shaved on top.

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