Numbers of visitors to Jordan for therapeutic and medical reasons declining. Numbers of visitors to Jordan for therapeutic and medical reasons declining.

Revenue from therapeutic tourism in Jordan has fallen 15% in 2015, declining to USD$1.02 billion, compared to the year before, according to Alghad News.

Head of Jordan Private Hospitals Association (PHA) Fawzi Al Hammouri explained that one of the main reasons behind this decline is increased competition from other countries in the region such as Turkey, Egypt, and Tunisia.

Hammouri said the numbers have dropped from 250,000 tourists in 2014 to 225,000 last year.

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Hammouri added that other explanations for the decline include the strictly applied security measures on tourists of some nationalities visiting Jordan for therapeutic and medical reasons.

Increasing taxation on private hospitals to 20% and high costs of electricity and utilities are claimed to further contribute to the sectors falling revenue.

The Ministry of Tourism reportedly stated no shortcomings on their side, having put together several promotional campaigns to stimulate the sector.