Grand Midwest Hotel general manager Nadia Shah. Grand Midwest Hotel general manager Nadia Shah.

How would you rate the audit from ResNet World?

It’s useful for us at the moment because we are in between phases of our web development. It will be practical for us to implement the solutions provided by ResNet World. Speaking about how useful it will be in the long run – it should be quite helpful, we need a long term study in order to give true feedback on the outcome, but there was some interesting results.

Do you think you will act on any of the findings presented in your audit?

Yes we will. The results were surprising, we’re going to start work on our mobile site soon, and this was highlighted in the audit as being an important area for us to focus on. Our designers need to be aware of the audit results too, this whole topic requires a collaboration between departments and professionals in order to find the most optimal outcome. We have worked hard on the design aspect of Grand Midwest’s website – but conversions are a whole different story, a great website needs to be matched with research provided by specialised companies like ResNet World.

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Would you recommend a ResNet World audit to other mid-range hoteliers in the region?

Yes I would suggest this service to other hoteliers. It is important to see this from a customer’s perspective, guiding them from point A to B, and ensuring they book directly through the hotels own website. It is key to note that every website is different, and every hotel has its own market audience, it’s not a one size fits all discussion, I think every guest approaches purchasing decisions differently, though it is a conversation I am keen to have with more hoteliers in the region.

Do you think the product offered is well priced?

It does depend on the resources the hotelier has to dedicate to conducting a web audit. An audit like this is one part of a complex process of guiding the user towards a booking on our website. The potential revenue increases could be significant for some hoteliers. Before I purchase the full audit I would do a lot more research myself to ensure I got the most benefit from the services provided by Resnet World. It’s all about conversion, which is what every hotelier is looking for, but there are no guarantees with implementing the solutions recommended in this audit. Of course we want to achieve the best we can, and ResNet World suggests how to do this. It’s going to be a long and on-going study, if the results are positive the price will be justified.

Do you believe ResNet World’s results will maximise your revenue?

If I spend a lot of money on an audit, I would need to know there will be a noticeable benefit to my bottom line. I think other mid-market hotels will have similar concerns before spending their budgets on an audit. Making sure that results are delivered requires implementing and monitoring an ongoing strategy. Each hotelier will need to know what kind of value they can get out this audit. But of course, I will implement some of the core findings of our audit with ResNet World today as I believe they can enhance our online booking system and maximise our revenue stream.

Why should budget and mid-market hoteliers seek a web audit?

First of all, being aware of these audits and realising the benefit of they offer is definitely a positive issue to understand. For an independent group, depending on their budgets, the affordability of the products and whether this is a priority for them or not, remains to be seen, but it is a conversation that they need to begin. Budget and mid-market hoteliers need to monitor their web presence and be in the right position to spend on it. It’s difficult for smaller properties, its expensive to keep pace with web development – you need to have this foundation ready before you spend on auditing your progress and conversion rates.