Fabien Firetto
Middle East Director, Bragard

Why is it important for you to support the Caterer Middle East Awards?

This is one of the dates to cross on the agenda. It is the perfect occasion to spend some quality time with our partners. In this type of event, we are where we belong, which is close to the F&B professionals. It will give us a great exposure and show that Bragard is definitely alive and present here in the Middle East. We don’t want to miss on the important moments at the event. Our partners wear our products every day at work, so we want to be there too when they win!

What are you most looking forward to at the event?

We are obviously curious to see who will be awarded this year. It’s also a great moment to spend with the people we work with all year long but in a different ambiance and environment. Our new catalogue for 2017 has just been released. We are proud of it and we want to show it to the F&B world. People are always surprised to see well the range has evolved now. On the other hand, we also usually meet a lot of new potential partners at the event that leads to new business throughout the year.

Which F&B trend will be popular this year?

The market is definitely trying to evolve and do things differently, especially in hotels where competition is very high. We will see hotels opening with strong F&B concepts and even hotels that will be F&B-driven rather than room driven. Original concepts in lobbies will be interesting to see too.

Is there any news we can expect from your company in the next 12 months?

We want to empower our growth through the whole Middle East, making easier for each F&B professional to have access to Bragard uniforms. I was touring the GCC lately and the demand for Bragard product is still high. Finding the right partners in the Gulf countries is now our target.

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