Maxime Le Van, head chef, Via Veneto, discusses using garlic.

What’s great about garlic?

Garlic is one of those ingredients that usually works in the background, being essential to make some dishes delicious without ever being mentioned. Like salt, chilli and lemon, garlic brings other ingredients to life. It is also much more versatile than people think it is as it can be used raw, infused, roasted, fermented, fried and more.

How readily available is garlic in this region?

It is available everywhere in one form or the other all year round. most of the garlic you get in the shops has been mass produced in China, and is okay for general use, but when you want to make a dish where garlic is predominant, I would recommend buying organic or from a country where they specialise in growing quality garlic such as Spain or France.

What should you look out for when buying this ingredient?

Garlic should feel firm and heavy. It usually comes in large batches, so if you see many heads of garlic that are damaged or mouldy, it means that the batch wasn't dried properly or kept in good conditions.

Any challenges with using it?

Its flavour is very strong so it’s good to balance it with the other flavours of the dish.

What’s the best way to use it?

Add one or two cloves, skin on, slightly cracked under the palm of your hand, into the frying pan while roasting a good piece of protein.

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