Eurocoffee LLC coffee solutions architect Kevin Hibbett. Eurocoffee LLC coffee solutions architect Kevin Hibbett.

What makes Eurocoffee a good fit as a supplier for the mid-market hotel sector?

We have a broad selection of well-priced quality products with equipment solutions to suit every budget. From in-room coffee sachets to brewed breakfast coffee, we can offer a custom tailored option for each hotel client.

What are some challenges (if any) that you face in the mid-market sector?

The major challenge we face is connecting directly with the decision makers.

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How is Eurocoffee different from its competitors?

We are the official distributors of very strong, globally recognised brands such as Lavazza, Lipton, Wega, Necta, Fracino and others. We offer our UAE-based clients a complete solution to suit each individual business requirement and facilitate growth. This includes but is not limited to branding and POS materials as well as a ‘best in the region’ barista training programme.

What are your best-selling products for the mid-market hotel sector?

The Lavazza Grand Hotel filter blend is our best-selling product in this sector and coupled with aggressive pricing, it is very well received.

Any upcoming product launches or expansion plans that you can reveal?

We have launched several new products this year. These include the Prontissimo, Tierra Rainforest Certified Blend and Tierra Capsules as well as new equipment from Necta with the Krono, Kalea and Karisma machines. In addition, we have introduced new machines from Wega with Myconcept and Lavazza branded IO and Polaris espresso machines. There is more to come on the equipment front: the Fracino Romano, a custom machine made in copper and chrome steel. This is due be available to our clients in September 2017. The new LB2600 from Lavazza will also be launched before the end of the year.