It’s said that ‘there is nothing constant in this world except change’, which holds true, especially in the changing world of luxury travel.

It used to be that the idea of luxury travel was that it was only meant for the ‘super-rich’ and out of reach of the wildest dreams of the ‘common man’. The perception also was that luxury travel only included chic and expensive hotel accommodation, Michelin-star dining, and super first-class travel. New research studies in this field have shown a changed scenario.

Clientele nowadays have shifted their focus from seeking heavenly comforts, and are more likely willing to pay the premium for a totally holistic experience. More and more travellers are broadening their perspective on their idea of luxury.

There is absolutely no two-ways about the fact that the stakeholders in the hospitality industry are interested in grabbing this dynamic, broader category of luxury travel seekers. So what should the industry do to ensure an effective capture rate?

A variety of choice is important, where service providers must ensure that clientele are offered a wide array of luxury options to choose from. They need to be, for example, given the opportunity to upgrade using loyalty points, extended premier options that pamper the ego, while hiking up the whole experiential element of the experience as a whole. Such variety would ensure a wider capture rate. The more holistic the approach of the experience, the more appealing it is likely to be for potential luxury travellers.

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Brand focus is also key. The power of the brand is vital and plays a significant role in the decision making of luxury travellers. They want to be seen or heard when staying at a particular brand of hotels which is known as luxurious. This is where the ego plays a driving force. Ensure through smart advertising and marketing that your brand builds on the luxury and premium segment ethos. Brand recognition remains a key factor during decision-making in the luxury travel segment.

The balance between exclusivity and convenience is another matter to consider. It is extremely important to understand what the luxury brand is trying to communicate in campaigns. Among the old ideas of luxury were such catch-phrases as ‘sheer opulence’, ‘top-class quality’, and ‘pleasurable activities’. Modern luxury travel focuses more on two broad categories – which often may feel as contradictory – one is convenience and the other exclusivity. The modern world has enough chaos and people do not need complicated itineraries. Keep it simple and convenient. And the other eye should be on an exclusive offering — not cookie-cutter solutions which every other competitor also offers.

Memorable prestige moments offer a great way to capture the market. Speedy communication through social media is a reality that is here to stay. What is new today can become jaded in a week or month — as people share their travel experiences on their social media platforms and this creates a perceived hype for the brand. Whilst this does help for a period of time, there is a risk of a new offering becoming ‘not-so-new’ sooner. Traditional luxury providers should ensure that they keep updating and upgrading their products and provide their clientele with a broad range of offers with a wide diversity of choice. This would help to ensure the longevity of the brand.

To sum up: service providers need to ensure a wide variety of product offers to choose from; the focus on the brand ethos must never diminish in the campaigns; a fine balance between convenience and exclusivity should be created; and memorable prestige moments are key to creating a lifetime of loyalty, cutting across generations.

About the Author: With more than 28 years of hospitality experience globally, Naim Maadad is the founding CEO of Gates Hospitality, which owns and operates hospitality concepts including Ultra Brasserie, The Black Lion Public House & Dining, Bistro des Arts, Reform Social & Grill, Publique and Folly by Nick & Scott. It has ownership of Six Senses Zighy Bay. Contact: