Procurement Person of the Year
Nawaf Ahmad al Awadi, Director of Supply Chain & Logistics, jumeirah group

How has winning the hotelier award impacted your career?

Personally, this award had a very positive impact on my career. It raised my self-esteem, and the level of the professionalism in my profile, and motivated me to do my best and achieve more.

Are you still at the same hotel?

Yes, I am still at the same hotel.

What advice would you give other hoteliers hoping to win an award?

I would advise other hoteliers to work hard on empowering their self-profile by obtaining the necessary education and knowledge in their field. Also, it’s essential to think about and emphasise more on strategic projects that will enhance processes and exceed the expected targets.

Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

I hope to see myself adding as much value as possible to the place I am in and achieving more career success along with my team members.

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