Dubai's best bottle jugglers make like Tom Cruise in 80's classic Cocktail. Dubai's best bottle jugglers make like Tom Cruise in 80's classic Cocktail.

The swingers and shakers from Dubai’s fledgling flair bartending scene were on show at Clash of the Titans Dubai 2009, a competition organised by Dubai-based flair association Mastah.

Entrants from bars across Dubai competed against fellow flair experts from across the world at Chi Garden, Chi at the Lodge, impressing the crowds, judges and visiting industry professionals.

Combining the arts of juggling and dancing — think Tom Cruise in the Hollywood blockbuster Cocktail — flair bartenders use bar equipment such as cocktail shakers and bottles in dazzling ways whilst preparing a customer's drinks.

The sport of flair bartending is ever growing in Dubai according to flair experts Mastah's president Ulric Nijs, who described the event as “very much a recruitment drive”.

“There have been a lot of people from the hotel industry coming in to see what it’s all about and for us the next step is to get more senior people coming in to watch — we want people to see who Mastah are and what Mastah does.

“It something that fits in anywhere there’s a nightclub, where the guys can understand that flairing can be compatible with service,” added Nijs.

Russian barman Mammedov Murad Azar, who came all the way from his homeland to compete at the showdown, walked away with the winner’s trophy ahead of 20 fellow competitors.

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Ten entrants from the competition will now be selected to compete in the next round of the more advanced ‘exhibition flair’.

Nijs admitted the talent of some on display was very impressive, claiming the Middle East could harbour some seriously talented flair bartenders.

“I couldn’t do half of what they’re doing, a couple of the guys practise for six hours a day, before or after work,” he said.

“I think the bartenders in the Middle East really want to win — it’s very much a profession to be taken seriously.”

Competitor and Buddha Bar Dubai bartender Daniel Fery explained: “The point is to entertain the guests and hopefully they will come back because they enjoyed watching the spectacle.

“Before my set my there was a small technical problem so I got a little nervous, but then I just got on with it,” he added.

The only female in the competition, Nur Oktaviani from Ginseng, Wafi City, was confident the competition could help the sport take off across the emirate.

Oktaviani said: “This is something Dubai can grasp and it could really take off — flair bartending promotes something for every outlet; it makes guests happy and maybe next year this competition will be even bigger.”