ADA Cosmetics International's press+wash system offers an economical solution to in-room amenities. ADA Cosmetics International's press+wash system offers an economical solution to in-room amenities.

 An opportunity of the economic crisis could be that in looking for products that save on costs and wastage, hotels will also adopt more environmentally-friendly solutions, specifically in the area of in-room amenities.

ADA Cosmetics International vice president sales export Dominique Pisan said that hotels in the Middle East needed to look at European trends for more environmentally-friendly approaches.

“You use 30ml bottles [for shampoos, conditioner etc] in Europe and it is about 50-70ml in the Middle East,” said Pisan.

He said that in the north of Europe, many hoteliers were looking at dispenser options for in-room toiletries, which save on costs, wastage and are more hygienic, reducing the need for storage and facilitating the handling for staff. 

He said: “Around 150kilos of soap can be thrown away in one year per room”.

If a 20g bar of soap is unwrapped and used once during a guest’s stay, not even half a gram of that soap is used, meaning almost 20g is thrown away plus the wrapping, explained  Pisan.

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ADA Cosmetics International sales director GCC Tatjana Drief added: “We have a patented system called Press+Wash, comprising a 300ml dispenser that is attached to the wall. A 300ml holder lasts on average for one month.

“But imagine you go to a hotel offering a little bottle of 30ml or 40ml liquid. You stay for one night, you have one shower and you use 10ml of the liquid, meaning 30ml is thrown away. What is the amount of waste there?”

Drief added that dispensers should not be perceived as a cheaper option by guests if the hotel educates them through a sticker or notice thanking them for sharing the property’s efforts to be environmentally-friendly.

One client in Dubai had requested Press+Wash dispensers for its executive and VIP floors specifically, said Pisan, but it was also a good option for emerging budget hotels looking to offer quality products.

“We have a brand and a quality product but at the same time we have something that is economic and environmentally-friendly,” said Pisan.

“A dispenser system can be still combined with classical amenities,” he added.