Roseanne made a career playing a termagant, but in reality she is known by the native American name, Chief Nice to Husband. [Getty Images] Roseanne made a career playing a termagant, but in reality she is known by the native American name, Chief Nice to Husband. [Getty Images]

Termagant: (n) a bad-tempered or overbearing woman

In a sentence:

Security: Sir, you have to leave your room, checkout was more than two hours ago.

Story continues below

Guest: I would leave, but my wife is not ready yet.

Security: Sir, you both have to go now.

Guest: I understand, but you don’t understand, my wife is a termagant.

Security: You wait here and I will go into the room and talk to her.

[Some minutes later]

Security: Sir, I have spoken with your wife and I am sure another hour won’t matter. I feel very, very sorry for you. I’m going to nurse this black eye.