Richard G Haddad. Richard G Haddad.

Michael D. Johnson, Dean, E.M. Statler Professor, Cornell University, School of Hotel Administration

“Online education will have a very significant role to play in the future of hospitality education. Even schools like Cornell are not ultimately scalable unless we can leverage technology-based learning. We do this through eCornell. Using a combination of faculty on the ground, eCornell courses, and distance learning capabilities, we are currently running programmes in the Middle East, Europe and Asia both effectively and efficiently.”

Richard G Haddad, General Manager, Vision Hotel Apartments

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“As much as I personally am very “internet-user friendly”, I do not see [online study] as being possible for a lot of courses.

I like human interaction, I like social interaction and I learn a lot better when I directly interact with professionals. But again, this is my personal opinion.

Saying that, I could always try to take some courses that are more informative and theoretical online when I see the time suitable for that.”

Mona Faraj, managing partner, Insights Management Consultancy

“I believe this is an excellent tool that is more and more in demand in today’s hectic life, as it allows executives to learn at their own pace and during work hours. I have personally learnt Microsoft Outlook via an online teaching tool that took me a month to complete.

I am not in favour of e-learning for post-graduate degrees, unless it is enhanced with periodic classroom sessions that allow direct interaction between participants. Increasingly, written communication is used instead of face-to-face discussion, so people are getting worse at public speaking.

You find executives that are great in written communication but will not be able to conduct a full presentation verbally.”

Michael Kaile, General Manager, Fairmont Bab Al Bahr, Abu Dhabi

“The only thing I can add is that at a senior level, given the length of the normal working day, such learning is a challenge in terms of finding quality time when one can concentrate fully, as opposed to a structured and more traditional learning session to which one travels, gets away from the workplace and can enjoy uninterrupted time.”


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