Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority director general HE Mohammed A. Al Noman. Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority director general HE Mohammed A. Al Noman.

Sharjah’s hotel industry proved “remarkably resilient” during the global financial crisis, asserted Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority director general HE Mohammed A. Al Noman in an exclusive interview with Hotelier Middle East.

“Despite the global financial crisis and its impact on the world’s tourism sector in 2009, Sharjah’s hotel industry has been remarkably resilient, with the occupancy rate suffering a mere 11% decline from 80% in 2008 to 69% in 2009,” said Al Noman.

“Taking into account the dramatic 14% increase in the number of additional rooms made available throughout 2009, this really is an excellent performance,” he added.

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Figures for the total number of occupied room nights in Sharjah’s hotel establishments demonstrate the resilience of the emirate, with hotel apartments faring particularly well.

There were almost 50,000 additional hotel apartment room nights in Sharjah in 2009 compared to 2008.

Al Noman said: “Looking at these figures as well, it becomes clear that Sharjah’s hotel industry did very well last year in a very challenging economic climate.

“Figures show that the total number of occupied room nights in Sharjah’s hotel establishments dropped by only 3% in 2009 to 1,462,165 — down from 1,504,859 nights in 2008.

“Hotel room nights accounted for 790,900 of the 2009 total (down from 882,599 in 2008) and hotel apartment room nights accounting for the remaining 671,265 room nights (up from 622,260 in 2008),” said Al Noman.

The hotel occupancy rate in Sharjah was 74% in 2009 compared to 86% in 2008, while the occupancy in hotel apartments went down to 64% in 2009 from 72% in 2008.