The agents collected the equivalented of 57 return flights from Dubai to London The agents collected the equivalented of 57 return flights from Dubai to London

An Emirates Airlines employee has been found guilty of fraudulently collecting 2.6 million Sywards air miles and selling them off to travellers in the form of low-cost tickets to Kenya.

According to a report in the local press, The Skywards customer service agent from Kenya has been charged in Dubai Criminal Court for forgery and embezzling funds. 

An Emirates Airlines travel agent has also been charged by for aiding and abetting the embezzlement of public funds.

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The Skywards agent was able to acquired millions of Skywards air miles by registering real passengers in the programme without their knowledge. He opened accounts with accurate passenger details, but added his own e-mail address to collect the miles, and was able to collect miles equivalent to 57 return flights from Dubai to London.

The agent admitted to registering more than 2,000 passengers without their knowledge.

He then poached customers by recommending Kenya-bound passengers to contact him on his private line for cheaper flight deals.

The agent’s plan was only scuppered when a passenger tried to open a Skywards account but discovered one had been already registered without her consent.

The court is yet to issue its verdict.