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Writing your nomination
The nomination process is conducted online at Firstly, please read the Nomination Guidelines (see box left). For the individual categories there are five simple questions to answer in the section ‘Why should this person win the award?”.

Each question must be answered – it’s best to write the answers into a word document first, then you can simply copy and paste them in the online form. It also means you have a useful record of the nomination.

The questions are:
1. Please enter details of this person’s career background. This must include information on when they joined your hotel and how they progressed to their current position.

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2. In what ways does this person excel in their role? Please provide at least three examples of their achievements in this position over the past 12 months, eg reduced costs by xx%, improved efficiency by xx%, introduced and implemented a new strategy (give details), expanded their team etc.

3. How has this person gone over and above the call of duty at your hotel? Please provide at least three examples of this — it could be anything from funding their own training to assisting another department that is short-staffed, to implementing a CSR or environmentally-friendly initiative, to introducing a sports tournament within the staff accommodation facility, to helping a guest with a very unusual request, to saving a life. Please provide examples of their achievements in 2011 and 2012 only.

4. Please sum up in one sentence why this person deserves to win a Hotelier Middle East Award in 2012?

5. To support your nomination, please provide testimonials from others explaining why they also believe the person you are nominating should win the award or examples of previous feedback or comments that back up your claims. Please provide at least three testimonials from your colleagues and at least three testimonials from guests. When guest comments are not applicable to certain back of house roles, e.g. steward, please just provide colleague testimonials.

The questions listed above apply to each of the 18 individual categories. The set of questions to be answered for the Team of the Year Award are different – please email for a template if you would like to enter your entire hotel team in this category.

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