Eastern Mangroves by Anantara in Abu Dhabi is a new property being marketed heavily online. Eastern Mangroves by Anantara in Abu Dhabi is a new property being marketed heavily online.

THE HOTEL: Fairmont Raffles Hotels International
THE AGENCY: Sekari and iCrossing

• Increase search visibility for Fairmont properties in the Middle East and Africa.
• Deliver localised search strategy to support the Middle East and Africa region.
• Support Fairmont’s 11 properties in the region as well as properties set to open in future years and increase the brand visibility of the regional website within the Arabic natural search results.

• Identify target keyphrases which provide maximum volume potential for relevant terms and then map the keywords to individual pages to provide the framework for on-page optimisation.
• Through a search engine simulated full crawl and analysis of the website top level, technical recommendations were then provided to help enhance the crawl-ability of the website in the eyes of search engines through the resolution of issues identified.
• Finally, utilising the competitors identified from the online competitor analysis, a link audit provided a detailed analysis of the link landscape, both for the competitors and Fairmont. The requirements and focus for the off-site optimisation are strategically defined based on the competitor analysis.

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• Year-on-year, Q1 2012, MEA natural search visibility for Google first page rankings increased 14%.

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