The proportion of total internet users in Saudi Arabia and the UAE that use Facebook, the largest social network site in the word, is among the highest in emerging market countries, according to a global study carried out by GlobalWebIndex.

About 74 percent of all internet users in the UAE use Facebook, while the rate in Saudi Arabia, the most populated country in the Gulf is around 60 percent, according to the survey.

Indonesia, which has the world's fourth largest population with about 250m people, leads emerging market countries with 80 percent of internet users there using Facebook, which has about 1bn active users a month. The Philippines follows with 77 percent and South Africa 74.

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About 15 percent of internet users in China, which has the world's biggest population, use the site, while the figure is 58 percent in India, the second most populous country.

The rate of users in emerging markets "highlight the shifting global market place, that makes non US and European markets, more important for driving adoption and scale of social services," GlobalWebIndex said in its report.

Google+, by Google, which runs the largest search engine in the world, is the fastest growing social service, with the higest rate of users in Japan, Poland, China, Netherlands, South Korea, Indonesia, South Africa, Italy and Russia. according to the survey.

From the Arab world, Saudi Arabia ranks as the 16th market in terms of active users.