SCTA president His Royal Highness Prince Sultan bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz SCTA president His Royal Highness Prince Sultan bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz

The cabinet of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has approved the formation of new professional associations for tourism accommodation facilities, tourist guides and travel and tourism activities.

The establishment up of the Saudi Society for Tourist Accommodation Facilities, Saudi Society for Tourist Guides, and the Saudi Society for Travel and Tourism was approved at a Council of Ministers meeting on Monday, chaired by the deputy of the custodian, His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Abdul Aziz.

Each of the three associations will be professional and non-profit bodies and will enjoy legal status as a body corporate and financial independence.

The objectives of these bodies include serving the interests of their members, providing social and cultural services for members and extending support to attract investments from the private sector in the areas of their activities.

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In addition to this, they will organise accredited training and educational courses in coordination with the relevant authorities.

The three associations will have a general assembly and board of directors formed of members of the association as well as an executive director to supervise administrative, financial and technical work related to the individual bodies.

According to His Royal Highness Prince Sultan bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz, president of the Saudi Commission for Tourism & Antiquities, the bodies will contribute to the enhancement of the national economy, serving citizens, ensuring consumer's rights, promoting tourism services, and motivating serious investors.

In a statement, he added the setting up of the bodies would complement the efforts of SCTA in recent years, including the approval of a classification programme for accommodation sector, in addition to a pricing mechanism and conditions and standards for the development of travel and tourism agencies.

He also cited the creation of new activities related to tourism services, including the tourist guide sector.