Dan Cross, GM, Nexa Hospitality. Dan Cross, GM, Nexa Hospitality.

Be sure that — at the very least — they understand:

• What your hospitality brand does
• What products or services you offer
• What makes you different from other hotels?
• Who are the key decision makers in your company?
If they don’t know — and believe in — your story every bit as much as you do, find another agency.

Story continues below

How will they know your customers too?

A key aspect to effective content marketing is understanding your customers. Your agency must know your target audience inside out.

To do this, they develop ‘buyer personas’ — virtual pictures of every facet of your target audience — or in other words, telling a story for each:

• Who are they?
• What do they do?
• What is important to them?
• What drives their buying decisions when choosing a hotel?
• What problem does your brand solve for them?
• Why would they choose your hotel?

Again, these are just a few of the questions your agency should ask. If you understand how and why your customers make decisions you will be able to engage them better.


Content marketing is an investment that will yield amazing results if performed well. Taking the time to develop and build your strategy, and finding the right agency to partner with, can ensure a smooth pathway into this new venture. Make sure your in-house team and agency are all as invested in telling your story as you are, and you will reap the benefits.