Water Bar allows guests to sample tap water from different cities. Water Bar allows guests to sample tap water from different cities.

A bar in the US city of Minneapolis is serving only free tap water to guests.

Aptly named Water Bar, the venue - described by its founders as a public art project - was launched to try to change how people think about water by allowing guests to sample tap water from different cities.

Water Bar is the brainchild of artists Shanai Matteson and Colin Kloecker, who wanted to encourage people to think more about sustainability, reports media company Upworthy.

The pair teamed up with various parties on the project, including scientific researchers and environmental advocates, and over the past two years, Matteson and Kloecker have organised pop-up events in Arkansas, Illinois, Minnesota, and North Carolina.

The Water Bar pop-up programme has so far served local tap waters to more than 30,000 people.

"Bringing people together around that ordinary daily ritual, but within a space that invites them to have fun or play or use their senses of taste and smell means thinking intentionally about the relationships to systems that so many of us take for granted, at least until there's a crisis," commented Matteson.

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