Dubai Holding and Emaar are reportedly renewing plans for the US $16.3 billion (AED60 billion) Bawadi hotel project in Dubailand, according to Emirates 24/7.

Speaking to Emirates 24/7, Dubai Holding CEO Fadel Al Ali said: “The Bawadi project, a joint venture between Dubai Holding and Emaar, is currently in its early stages and progress will be communicated in due course.”

However, no further details regarding the project and its progress were give.

During the financial crisis, plans for the Bawadi hotel project were put on hold. At the project’s initial inception back in 2007, it was expected to be the world’s longest chain of luxury hotels.

The initial plan featured a 10km stretch of hotel properties in the Dubailand area of the emirate, totalling 51 luxury hotels, and expected to be equivalent to 60,000 rooms. One of the planned hotels for the site was the 6,500-room Asia Asia Hotel & Resort.

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