Deepak Batra
Assistant F&B manager
Madinat Jumeirah

Deepak is known for being a passionate individual who is committed to his work and achieving results.

Despite his determination, his colleagues admire his friendly and trustworthy demeanor and the way in which he always manages to exceed expectations.

Furthermore, his willingness to pas on his knowledge to junior colleagues means he is a trusted mentor within the group.

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Deepak can be seen smiling and helping guests, whether it is in a t-shirt and sunglasses by the pool or in a tuxedo at a VIP event.

He has taken a lot of initiative to bring forward the WIG training center, a unique training programme covering the entire F&B resort in only two months and on eight different topics.

And it is this ability to drive forward progress and make the now very special that led to Deepak’s nomination form his peers.