Thomas Huber advises hoteliers to stay away from gadgets Thomas Huber advises hoteliers to stay away from gadgets

Investment in new technology for hotels is often an unnecessary waste of money, revealed IT managers at a roundtable discussion yesterday.

“The times are not right to go for excessive technology that doesn’t give you a benefit either in revenues or in guaranteed guest services,” explained Layia Hospitality corporate director of IT Thomas Huber.

“Investors now are becoming more educated about IT, which I am very happy about. Sometimes you will find people going for the budget option but as soon as they have investors’ money, they go Rolls Royce. It is unacceptable,” he added.

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IP phones in particular were slammed by the IT managers, who insisted that such technology was a waste of money for investors, while additional gadgets such as remote-controlled curtains also came in to the firing line.

Rezidor hotel group as regional IT director Freddie Pinto said: “There are many companies who try to promote things such as remote-controlled curtains, but if you want to open them – will you look for the remote or just go for the curtain? The recession puts a lot of sense in to the market.”