A snapshot of the inaugural Great GM Debate A snapshot of the inaugural Great GM Debate

More than 200 general managers will gather at Jumeirah Beach Hotel tomorrow for Hotelier Middle East's Great GM Debate, the only industry-specific networking event for hotel general managers. 

Following the launch of the first GM Debate in 2010 in Dubai, Hotelier has held similar conferences in Riyadh and Doha, and now one year on, general managers across the UAE are gearing up for the second Great GM Debate in Dubai, being held at Jumeirah Beach Hotel tomorrow, on September 14.

Already, close to 200 general managers are signed up to attend the event, which is supported by both the Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority (ADTA) and Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM).

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The GMs will then be the first hoteliers in the world to witness the unveiling of the latest GCC hotel pipeline data, researched and presented by Viability director Guy Wilkinson. Click here for a sneak preview.

The Hoteliermiddleeast.com team will keep you informed on the latest happenings and news from the event with live updates posted online tomorrow.

In the meantime, for a round-up of what's in store, click here.