A new tool has been introduced in the European Union which could simplify the recruitment process in the hospitality and tourism sector in Europe.

The European Hospitality Skills Passport allows workers and employers to overcome language barriers and to compare hospitality workers' skills in order to facilitate recruitment in the sector.

It has been introduced by the European Commission, which is responsible for the day-to-day running of the European Union, which has 28 member states.

“The European Hospitality Skills Passport is an important practical tool to promote mobility of European workers, especially young people, in a sector that has high growth potential,” said EU commissioner for employment, social affairs and inclusion László Andor.

“This initiative is also a good example of the outcome of social dialogue between employee and employer organisations at European level, and we look forward to seeing this cooperation expand into other sectors of the labour market."

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Hosted on the European Job Mobility Portal EURES, the skills passport is available in all 24 official EU languages and will be extended to other sectors in the future.

The European Commission has developed the passport in association with employee and employer organisations in the hospitality sector, including HOTREC, the umbrella association representing hotels, restaurants, cafés and similar establishments in Europe, and the European Federation of Trade Unions in the Food, Agriculture and Tourism sectors.

In the Skills Passport, workers can record all the skills and competences gained during their education, training and practical work experience in an easily accessible format.

It complements a traditional CV and is aimed at facilitating a better match between supply and demand on the hospitality labour market.